—k402e21627 —mkatherinekelly —kkiley91 —u/DropShoddy1128 “I was worse. From 17-25 I hooked up with everything with a pulse. Would cycle through 20 or more women a week, rarely use protection. I cost me jobs, flunked out of college, even got kicked out of my apartment cause I pissed off too many of the female tenants. I’m 41 now with a family, and it’s scary how reckless I was. By the grace of god I never got an STD or got anyone pregnant. Just flat out stupid.” —u/Jolly_Collection4670 “I’m 20, and I wish I lived more of my life not caring what others think of me. I don’t like getting in confrontations, so I’ll often just tell people what they want to hear. The problem is that if you make a habit of doing it, people will just expect to hear what they want every time.” —u/AussieNick1999 —herculesmulligan1740 —u/Curiouslive

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